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Femme, assise devant un ordinateur, souriante

Les vaccins
Là où des
esprits extraordinaires
protègent un

demi-milliard de personnes

VX - National Field Medical Head - Beijing/Shanghai

Pékin, Chine
Shanghai, Chine

Qui nous sommes

Chaque jour, 2,5 millions de doses de vaccins Sanofi sont livrées aux patients du monde entier—grâce à des idées audacieuses, une science de pointe et des personnes passionnées comme vous. À chaque étape, de la découverte à la livraison, les Sanofiens façonnent l’avenir des vaccins. Dans nos hubs mondiaux de R&D, nos bureaux d’exception et nos sites de production de pointe, nous réinventons ce qui est possible. Mais la science seule ne suffit pas—ce sont les esprits d’exception qui font vraiment la différence.


This position is mandated to align and execute to the strategy and tactical plans for engagement with the scientific community.

  • Coach, train and manage MSL team/ MSL mangers performance including monitoring metrics towards set key impact indicators (KIIs) ensuring excellence in execution of their role towards achieving strategic and tactical goals.

  • Align the medical strategies & resource/budget allocation with relevant medical franchises, under the guidance of Head of Vaccines Medical – Greater China

  • Ensure strong career pathways are established through development planning of MSL team and oneself to ensure talent engagement and retention.

  • Understand and meet the needs of product lifecycle management through resource deployment planning meeting customer engagement strategies.

  • Thinks strategically in the development and execution of tactical Medical Engagement Plans and MSL tools aligned with the Brand strategic focus.

  • Ensure that MSLs/MSL managers hold robust current scientific knowledge to facilitate the MSL/MSL managers timely, appropriate, balanced, scientific exchanges with key external experts.

  • Demonstrate the value of Sanofi medical and the value of Sanofi products through supporting strong MSL relationships with key external experts, including the identification of local data generation initiatives to support own company’s strategic objectives and obligations, as well as stakeholder needs.

  • Transversely cooperate with internal stakeholders to support the generation and communication of scientific and medical insights to internal stakeholders.


Team coaching and development

  • Regularly spend time witnessing MSL field activities, appropriately diagnosing elements  and offering feedback to support the improvement of skills to impact performance and professional development

  • Monitor MSLs/MSL managers’ execution of plans within their respective territories and with crucial KOLs via regular coaching sessions.  Use the Field Coaching Report (FCR) and other feedback mechanisms to support skill development.

  • Monitor and focus MSL/MSL managers’ operational efficiencies to ensure correct balance towards external-facing activities.

  • Support and guide the MSL/MSL managers’ individual and team development (clinical, technical and leadership skills) appropriately prioritizing elements of improvement through customized training and career plan.  Consider the needs of the MSL and of the business supporting attracting, engaging and retaining MSL/MSL managers talent for example successfully onboard new employees

  • Select appropriate KIIs and monitor MSLs/MSL managers’ progress against KIIs. Inform the business of progress and coach/course correct team towards success.

  • Manage budget appropriately and ensure fiduciary responsibility is practiced by direct reports

  • Ensure all MSLs fulfill global and corporate training requirements and compliance towards applicable internal and external policies and regulations.

  • Identify and support opportunities for innovation and field excellence initiatives to differentiate Sanofi medical and help achieve and exceed department objectives Support the development of an action plan to close “gaps” in the current organization.

KOL strategy and management

  • Collaborate with global and regional medical affairs to develop country and territory-level strategic and tactical Medical Engagement Plans

  • Translate overall priorities into specific goals and expected outcomes for target region and individual MSLs/MSL managers

  • Supervise the identification, mapping and quarterly review of KOLs for each MSL/MSL managers in their territory to prioritize key territory stakeholders and develop customized engagement plans  

  • Review, monitor, and analyze feedback insights from the KOLs on key information concerning our company’s strategy, products, image, or competition

  • Engage in cross-functional collaboration where appropriate

  • Support, attend and follow up on scientific congresses, symposia, or other events where appropriate

Communicate scientific and medical information/insights

  • Evaluate and summarize feedback on key scientific medical and clinical information to provide insights of impact for internal functions

  • Facilitate communication and organize meetings and events among MSLs and with other functions to promote best-demonstrated practices where appropriate


  • KOL engagement plans aligned with overall goals and medical strategy

  • Development plans of the MSL/MSL managers individual and team aligned to MSL competencies and proficiency of skill, knowledge and behavior levels.

  • Monthly/quarterly reports of MSL/MSL managers performance (inclusive of insights gathered) benchmarked against set KIIs.



MD or bachelor of clinical medicine equivalent, or

Master degree in health or life sciences related field

Experience & knowledge:

  • Eight years of healthcare or related experience (managed markets, clinical practice, research or academic) following award of undergraduate degree, which must include 3 years of experience in a Medical & Scientific Affairs role within the pharmaceutical industry (preferably in MSL organization).

  • Ability to create and deploy MSL field team in line with business objectives, measure impact/efficiency, and course-correct for success

  • Demonstrates a satisfactory level of technical and professional skills to impact the department’s ability to meet objectives

  • Is able to work effectively on multi-disciplinary teams in order to set and meet mutual goals and objectives

  • Demonstrates project management skills and effectively manages multiple competing priorities, focusing on priorities of higher impact while maintaining control over competing priorities

  • Through timely coaching, clear expectations and appropriate management of individuals, motivate and guide the team toward successful outcomes and attainment of department objectives.

  • Identifies the critical tasks and resources necessary to achieve the desired objectives and ensure execution of strategies

  • Deep understanding and knowledge of local regulations and codes of practice for the pharmaceutical industry, in particular as they apply to the non-promotional activities of this role.

  • High degree of knowledge of relevant healthcare systems, the evolving medical landscape, regulatory and payer environment, public health and industry trends to accurately identify key issues and develop strategies and plans

Core competencies:

  • Interpersonal relationship skills

  • Presentation, communication & negotiation skills

  • Result-driven, Self-starter, Strategic vision, think outside the box

  • Leadership competencies

  • Customer engagement and stakeholder management

  • Fluent in English

  • Software, internet, social and media technology skills

Illustration of map pins on globe

En savoir plus
sur ce site

L'homme en canot à rames dans l'eau

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

  • Nous sommes des pionniers et des innovateurs, animés par la conviction que chacun mérite un avenir en meilleure santé. Nous développons des vaccins d’excellence pour prévenir les maladies et protéger des vies.

  • L’innovation nous motive. De l’IA à l’ARNm en passant par les sciences de nouvelle génération, nous repoussons les limites pour proposer les meilleurs vaccins contre les maladies infectieuses dans le monde entier.

  • La croissance se fait ici. Grâce à des investissements audacieux en R&D et à des infrastructures de pointe, les Sanofians, à chaque étape du cycle de vie des vaccins, façonnent l’avenir de la santé mondiale.

  • Nous faisons ce qui est juste. La durabilité et la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion sont au coeur de notre impact positif — car les communautés diverses que représentent les Sanofiens sont aussi celles des patients que nous servons.

Qu’est-ce qu’il faut pour protéger le monde contre les maladies ?

Depuis plus d’un siècle, nous repoussons les limites de la science pour protéger des millions de personnes contre des maladies comme la polio, la grippe, le VRS et bien d’autres. Et nous ne comptons pas nous arrêter là.

Grâce à des technologies de rupture—plateformes à ARNm, protéines recombinantes et intelligence artificielle—nous allons encore plus loin dans l’innovation scientifique.

"Je suis extrêmement fier de la rapidité de notre innovation—de l’urgence avec laquelle nos équipes transforment la médecine."
Headshot of Céline

Thomas Triomphe

Vice-Président Exécutif, Vaccins

En savoir plus

Un jeune homme discute de quelque chose sur un tableau blanc avec son collègue

Le Centre d’Excellence ARNm de Sanofi

Plongez au cœur de l’avenir de la santé avec le Centre d’Excellence ARNm de Sanofi. Découvrez comment une équipe mondiale révolutionne la médecine grâce à cette technologie de pointe—et explorez les compétences, les inspirations et les avancées qui façonnent cette transformation. Prêt à bâtir l’avenir ? 

Découvrir plus

Deux collègues examinant quelque chose sur un écran d'ordinateur

À propos de Sanofi Vaccins

Découvrez notre engagement à protéger la santé mondiale grâce à la puissance des vaccins. Nous bâtissons des communautés plus saines avec des solutions innovantes qui sauvent chaque année des millions de vies. Explorez l’avenir des vaccins, les maladies que nous combattons et l’importance de la vaccination à chaque étape de la vie..

En savoir plus

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