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Person in full protective gear, using a lab instrument

Manufacturing & Supply Careers
Deliver better.
For patients and communities

Discover solutions to the world’s most complex challenges.

We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year. That's more than four billion moments of hope for patients and their families. With your talent and ambition on board, our teams can do more to protect people from infectious diseases.

Flawless planning and a meticulous eye for detail are what we rely on to deliver medicines and vaccines around the world. This is where our dynamic partnership with the McLaren F1 team is accelerating us past the competition and keeping us at the forefront of our journey for groundbreaking treatments.

Whether you’re an engineer who loves to work with cutting-edge technology, a scientist who’s passionate about putting AI to good use for medicine, or just starting to shape your career, there’s an opportunity waiting for you. What’s next? That’s up to you.

Lab employee using mechanical instrument under glass
Lab employees in sterile garb work with samples under glass

You drive how we deliver

This is where raising the bar has serious results

What makes Formula 1 racing an icon of efficiency? Excellence in data analytics, a high-performance culture, and a constant desire to improve. That’s how we’re striving to improve our manufacturing sites, too. Through a unique partnership with McLaren, we’re using model simulations to help get treatment to patients faster. How might you take the wheel?

How you’ll change lives

You’re the bridge between discovery and the communities we serve. We’re investing in modernizing our global manufacturing and supply network. Using big data and advanced tech to help put sustainability at the forefront. Your passion and expertise can get life-changing treatments into the hands of those who need it most.

Discover how we’re focused on delivering better for patients.

Gloved hand, holding vials of liquid with sterile-dressed lab worker in the background

Digital and innovation

At our new EVolutive Vaccine Facilities, you’ll use big data and digital technologies to deliver new medicines faster, with greater impact.

Explore our state-of-the-art facilities
Man and woman using sign language while standing in an outdoor market

All-in on diversity

We’re all about diversity: our products, our people, our roles. Use your talents and experience to add to the richness of our work and culture.

See how we’re all-in on Diversity
Overhead view of gloved hands working with the gear wheels of a piece of lab equipment

Maximum efficiency

Accelerate manufacturing efficiency. Push our production towards peak performance. And do it all powered by McLaren innovation.

Learn more about our partnership
Group of people picking up trash on a beach

Planet care

Commit to protecting the planet with determination and passion, alongside our ambitious goals. Join us on the path towards net zero emissions by 2045.

Discover how you can make a difference

The Ambition of Sanofi Manufacturing & Supply

"Manufacturing and Supply are the bridge between the science that happens in the research laboratories and the people and communities we serve."

Brendan O’Callaghan

Executive Vice President of Manufacturing and Supply

By Numbers


into modernization and digitization of our network


including vaccines and pharmaceuticals, every year


working across 40 manufacturing sites and 13 distribution centers globally

Where will you go next?

Learn from experts. Leverage technology. Use your skills to make a difference. It all starts here.

Experience possibility

  • Your Saved Jobs

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  • Cambridge Crossing

    We're bringing together 2,500 people from across our organization — R&D, Medical, Commercial and Global colleagues all working to realize the power of collaboration.

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  • Innovation in Action

    Our flexible lab of the future will transform how we conduct research, while our innovation center will be fully integrated with existing R&D locations.

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  • Sustainable and Green

    Our new facility was built to minimize the environmental impact — helping protect our planet and people. Using resources efficiently, we're providing greener, healthier workspaces.

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  • Sanofi’s AI Centre of Excellence in Toronto

    The Centre is focused on using leading technologies to develop world-class data and artificial intelligence (AI) products to create value for the health sector.

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  • Ama

    Ama puts her project management techniques and ServiceNow knowledge to use to help advance Sanofi’s Digital Data operating model. Learn how our team connects data and AI to do what’s never been done before.

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  • Sanofi Canada's Philanthropic Efforts

    By chasing the miracles of science to improve people’s lives, we surprise ourselves with what we can achieve. Our team is humbled by the impact our efforts make.

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  • Emmanuel

    Emmanuel, Head of the Sanofi Digital Accelerator, shares how his team builds digital solutions that enable patients to receive new treatments to help improve their lives.

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  • Dimitrije

    Dimitrije shares insights into the work carried out by the AI Centre of Excellence in Toronto.

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  • Ziv

    Read Ziv's first-hand account describing the reasons he chose to join Sanofi – and many of the reasons why he now chooses to stay.

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  • When you grow, we all grow

    We strive to support your whole self with thoughtfully crafted rewards that benefit you physically, financially, mentally and socially. Whatever your role, you'll thrive in our inclusive teams.

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  • Build a career with purpose

    Bring your passion to your role and impact millions of people around the world. You're in the driver's seat – just set your goals, and we'll provide the training and support that will get you there.

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  • Bolder, better futures

    Change your life. And the lives of millions around the globe. How? By starting a career where you're supported to grow, while having a tangible impact and learning from the best.

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  • Our locations

    We're in 60+ countries, all pulling together to define the future of healthcare. Wherever you work, you'll develop your career alongside experts, using technology to chase bigger breakthroughs.

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  • Sanofi Stories

    At Sanofi every voice matters. Get to know the talented Sanofians shaping our future and pushing us toward our ambitious goals.

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  • Sanofi at Cambridge Crossing

    Dubbed Sanofi at Cambridge Crossing, our new state-of-the-art facility will create an innovation hub promoting close collaboration and integration among business units. Join us and become part of a team dedicated to chasing the miracles of science that improve people’s lives.

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  • Why Sanofi

    Get access to the tools, training, and support to reach your goals. By fulfilling your potential, you’ll help us achieve our aim of halving the time from discovery to therapy.

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  • Our people & culture

    We're the first in Pharma to have a DE&I board. We also have Employee Resource Groups that create spaces for every Sanofian to be heard. Your voice matters – use it to shape our future.

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  • Sanofi's Postdoctoral Program

    Designed for high-caliber Ph.D. graduates, Sanofi's Postdoctoral Program helps you advance your scientific career in a state-of-the-art environment.

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  • Physician Careers at Sanofi

    At Sanofi, physicians like you have the opportunity to collaborate on new ideas and challenge established thinking. Learn about Physician careers here.

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  • AI Centre of Excellence

    The AI Centre of Excellence at Sanofi is a unique data-driven team based in Downtown Toronto. We pride ourselves on being data-obsessed and highly focused on using state-of-the-art technologies to drive global impact.

    Learn more
Two women, seated in an office lobby, working on laptops and talking

What could we achieve together?

Want to join our Global Talent Community? Every Sanofian works on projects that truly make a difference to people’s lives.

What could you achieve? Sign up today and discover our latest opportunities as soon as they’re available.